book consultation Maria Rigopoulou

Maria Rigopoulou

Maria Rigopoulou - Nutrigenetics Osteoporosis Expert & Freedom Coach


Registered Nutritional Therapist

Functional Medicine, QRA, Yoga, Breakthrough Breathwork

BANT Worldwide Network Coordinator

Location: London, Surrey and Athens (Greece), Zoom

I am a Nutrigenetics Expert and Freedom coach, specialising in Osteoporosis, Osteopenia and Bone health sharing my time between London and Athens. In the last few years I am practising mainly online.

Blending Nutritional Therapy, Yoga and Ayuverda, breathwork, homeopathy/kinesiology and LOA inspired coaching and driven by the power of Nutrigenetics and Functional Medicine, I design ultra-personalised programmes to help people with long-term bone conditions and chronic pain get their lives back and experience real Freedom again!

After decades of working with myself and others I believe that it is essential to identify and address all the system imbalances that are contributing to someone’s symptoms by dealing with all 4 aspects of well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

I now offer personalised 6-week packages and 3-month programmes that include testing and coaching based on these 4 aspects.

I am really passionate about making people feel (and look!!) good and constantly taking part in anti-aging, bio-hacking, nutrigenetics forums and seminars. Auto-immunity, chronic fatigue and women’s hormonal and emotional health are also some of my interests. And I am loving well-being retreats! Aspiring to organise my own in the future.

Maria Rigopoulou
Lifestyle Genomics Research Centre
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